Live Animal Imaging CORE









The MISSION of the Live Animal Imaging CORE is to provide vision researchers with state-of-the-art equipment for visual function testing and imaging analysis on live animals, as well as technical expertise to assist with data acquisition and experiments.

The COREs are located in the basement of DMEI (LAI-DMEI) and on the 1st and 7th floors of the BMSB (LAI-BMSB).

The LAI-DMEI is operating at DMEI in the Vivarium, with 3 ERGs, 1 OCT, 1 Micron IV, and 1 OKT.

  • The newest Diagnosys is available for all to use, but keep in mind that this one is used for ERGs on BSL2-infected animals. Please contact Dr. Feng Li for assistance or Dr. Callegan about BSL2.
  • Two operating microscopes are currently in use. Both Zeiss scopes are available for all to use, but one is housed in the BSL2-procedure room (PA-16). Please contact Dr. Feng Li for assistance.
  • You may move the inhalation anesthesia equipment between PA-15 and PA-16. Use GoogleCalendar to schedule use of this equipment.

The LAI-BMSB is operating at BMSB on Floors 1 and 7, with 2 ERGs, 1 OCT, and 1 Micron III. We thank Dr. Jay Ma and Dr. Yun Le for sharing their equipment for our use.

  • POLICY FOR LONGITUDINAL STUDIES: Anyone performing longitudinal studies (i.e. animals taken out of the ARF, imaged, then taken back into the ARF) must contact Jay Daniel (BMSB ARF Manager) about returning their animals to a different "quarantine" holding room.
  • POLICY FOR RODENT TRAFFIC (RODENTS HOUSED IN THE ARF): Contact Dr. Feng Li for updated information, as it changes frequently. For now, in-house users are using the CompMed elevator to move animals to and from housing and the Core. Core users have an elevator key for this purpose. If your lab does not have an elevator key, contact Dr. Feng Li for assistance.
  • POLICY FOR RODENT TRAFFIC (RODENTS HOUSED IN OTHER FACILITIES): Contact Dr. Callegan to discuss Core use on animals housed at other OUHSC animal facilities. 

All users must be trained and approved by Systems Managers and be approved to use animals by the IACUC prior to the start of any work. Please contact the Systems Manager specific to the Core in which you will be working for more information:

Click the links on the left for more information.

The LAI Core is funded by a P30 Center Core Grant from the National Eye Institute and National Institutes of Health (1P30EY021725) to Dr. Robert E. Anderson, Department of Ophthalmology, University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center. We thank the NEI and NIH for supporting vision research at OUHSC.

Vision Core Meeting Slides