Handout L

Rights and Responsibilities
of Patients, Family Members and Professionals

  1. Patients
    1. Rights
      1. To be protected from abuse.
      2. Not to be blamed for the mental illness.
      3. To be educated about the illness and treatment options.
      4. To be given timely and appropriate treatment in a safe, therapeutic environment.
      5. To participate in treatment planning and decision-making. To be able to consent to or refuse treatment.
      6. To communicate with family members, friends, clergy and attorneys.
      7. To have their treatment information and medical records kept confidential (except in specific situations in which the information needs to be released).
      8. To have copies of treatment records if requested.

    2. Responsibilities
      1. To learn about and accept the illness.
      2. To obtain appropriate treatment.
      3. To cooperate with the professionals' directions.

  2. Family Members
    1. Rights
      1. To be protected from abuse.
      2. Not to be blamed for the mental illness.
      3. To be educated about the illness and treatment options.
      4. To have access to information on advocacy and support.
      5. To visit the patient if he/she is in the hospital.
      6. To call the police or sheriff at any time if you feel that your loved one is an imminent danger to him/herself or to others. The professionals will make the decision whether or not the patient can be detained against his/her will, but family members can always make the report when concerned about the patient's safety.

    2. Responsibilities
      1. To learn about and accept the illness.
      2. To share your observations of the patient with the professionals.
      3. To encourage your family member to comply with his/her treatment plan.
      4. To take good care of your own physical and emotional health.
      5. To seek out advocacy and support groups for yourself.
      6. To monitor your loved one for signs of dangerousness (to themselves or others).

  3. Professionals
    1. Rights
      1. To be protected from abuse.
      2. To be given timely and honest information about the patient's functioning.
      3. To make honest mistakes.
      4. To have a personal life that patients and family members respect, while always providing back-up coverage.

    2. Responsibilities
      1. To do no harm.
      2. To provide patients with an accurate diagnosis of their condition.
      3. To prescribe appropriate medications (if indicated) and educate patients about possible side effects.
      4. To protect the confidentiality of the patient and family members, as mandated by state law.
      5. To stay informed of current research on treatment options and use this information to guide their clinical practice.
      6. To treat all patients and family members with respect.
      7. To acknowledge and foster strengths in the family.
      8. To direct patients and family members to opportunities for education, support, and advocacy.

  4. What can you do if you believe that your family member's rights are being violated?
    1. Talk to the provider.
    2. Consider a change of provider.
    3. Set an appointment with the management of the agency / medical center.
    4. Ask for a listing of patient rights at the facility.
    5. Contact your local National Alliance for the Mentally Ill (NAMI) affiliate for support and guidance.
    6. Learn the laws in your state.

Parts were adapted from Educating Patients and Families about Mental Illness, Copyright 1991, 1995, Cynthia Carson Bisbee, Ph.D. Used by permission. To order manual, call Partnership for Recovery 1-888-IDEALTX

Support And Family Education:
Mental Health Facts for Families
Michelle D. Sherman, Ph.D.