24-0837 | Possession of Controlled Dangerous Substance | 09/04/2024 16:41 | 09/04/2024 16:41 | OU Health | OUHealth 700 NE 13th St | Closed Charges Filed |
24-0835 | Assault and Battery on Medical Personnel | 09/03/2024 18:52-18:54 | 09/03/2024 18:54 | OCH | OCH 1200 N Everett Dr | Closed Charges Filed |
24-0834 | Stolen Vehicle | 09/03/2024 12:55-13:30 | 09/03/2024 13:28 | OU Health | OUHealth 700 NE 13th St | Open |
24-0832 | Aggravated Driving Under the Influence/ Transporting an Open Container/ Felony Destruction of Property/Traffic Charges | 09/02/2024 20:57 | 09/02/2024 20:57 | SLE | 1300 Blk NE 13th St | Closed by Arrest |
24-0831 | Possession of Paraphernalia 2 x's/Public Intoxication | 09/02/2024 16:49 | 09/02/2024 17:04 | SLE | 1200 Blk NE 13th St | Closed by Arrest |
24-0830 | Possession of Paraphernalia | 09/02/2024 01:15 | 09/02/2024 01:15 | SLE | 600 Blk NE 8th St | Closed by Arrest |
24-0825 | Public Intoxication | 08/31/2024 15:13 | 08/31/2024 15:13 | OU Health | OUHealth 700 NE 13th St | Closed by Arrest |
24-0824 | Possession of Paraphernalia | 08/31/2024 14:47 | 08/31/2024 14:47 | OU Health | OUHealth 700 NE 13th St | Closed |
24-0823 | /Enters a Building with Intent to Cause a Felonly/Larceny | 08/31/2024 13:03 | 08/31/2024 13:03 | OUHSC | CPB 1110 N Stonewall Ave | Closed |
24-0818 | Vehicle Impound | 08/31/2024 02:48 | 08/31/2024 02:48 | SLE | 1100 Blk N Lincoln Blvd | Closed |
24-0816 | Vehicle Damage | 08/30/2024 08:00-12:00 | 08/30/2024 17:49 | OUHSC | P4 Parking Garage 1206 N Stonewall Ave | Closed |
24-0815 | Warrant Arrest | 08/30/2024 15:09 | 08/30/2024 14:47 | OU Health | OUHealth 700 NE 13th St | Closed by Arrest |
24-0814 | Vehicle Damage | 08/02/2024 08:45 | 08/30/2024 13:35 | OU Health | OUHealth 700 NE 13th St | Closed |
24-0813 | Assault and Battery on Medical Personnel | 08/29/2024 21:17 | 08/29/2024 21:17 | OU Health | OUHealth 700 NE 13th St | Closed |
24-0810 | Vehicle Impound | 08/29/2024 13:31 | 08/29/2024 13:31 | SLE | 900 Blk NE 8th St | Closed |
24-0809 | Warrant Arrest | 08/29/2024 08:05 | 08/29/2024 08:29 | OU Health | OUHealth 700 NE 13th St | Closed by Arrest |
24-0805 | Assault and Battery on Medical Personnel/Threaten to Perform an Act of Violence | 08/28/2024 18:55 | 08/28/2024 18:55 | OCH | OCH 1200 N Everett Dr | Closed Charges Filed |
24-0804 | Assault and Battery on Medical Personnel/Possession of Controlled Dangers Substance | 08/28/2024 18:20 | 08/28/2024 18:28 | OU Health | OUHealth 700 NE 13th St | Closed by Arrest |
24-0803 | Drug Law Violation | 08/28/2024 15:38 | 08/28/2024 15:38 | OU Health | OUHealth 700 NE 13th St | Closed |
24-0800 | Assault and Battery on Medical Personnel/Threaten to Perform an Act of Violence | 08/27/2024 18:55 | 08/27/2024 19:00 | OU Health | OUHealth 700 NE 13th St | Closed Charges Filed |
24-0799 | Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol | 8/27/2024 13:42 | 8/27/2024 13:42 | OU Health | OU Health 700 NE 13th Street | Closed By Arrest |
24-0798 | Missing Person Located | 8/27/2024 10:57 | 8/27/2024 10:57 | OU Health | OU Health 700 NE 13th Street | Closed |
24-0796 | Trespass Violation/ Obstructing an Officer | 8/26/2024 23:41 | 8/26/2024 23:41 | OU Health | OU Health 700 NE 13th Street | Closed By Arrest |
24-0795 | Assault and Battery Upon Emergency Medical Care Providers/ Threats to Perform an Act of Violence | 8/26/2024 08:00 | 8/26/2024 16:34 | OU Health | OU Health 700 NE 13th Street | Closed Charges Filed |
24-0794 | Traffic Violation/ Vehicle Impound | 8/26/2024 17:06 | 8/26/2024 17:11 | SLE | 1300 Blk Lincoln Blvd | Closed |