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Staff Senate


Welcome to the HSC Staff Senate!

Serving the HSC campus since 1973

The OUHSC Staff Senate is composed of members of the OUHSC Staff from designated groups on campus. Senators are elected annually from the constituents of their group.

Meetings of the Senate are typically held on the first Thursday of each month at 10:00 a.m. via Zoom. Staff Senate meetings are open for all staff to attend.

News & Announcements

January Employee of the Month - Anita Bennett

Published: Monday, January 1, 2024

The OUHSC Staff Senate is pleased to announce
the January 2024
Employee of the Month

Anita Bennett
Sr. Student Program Coordinator
Graduate College-Office of the Dean

Here are a few excerpts from her nomination letters:


“Anita brings a wonderful can-do attitude to everything she undertakes, is cool and collected
under pressure and for many months during the transition to a new slate of staff in the
Graduate College, was essentially the glue that held us together.”


“Anita brings a wealth of knowledge not just related to her job description, but also through her
institutional knowledge, having started work at the HSC back in the early 1990’s.”


“Anita has an amazing track record of resolving problems, advising, and troubleshooting
processes and being a leader to other staff members. Her 30+ years of service to the
university show her dedication to OUHSC and her loyalty.” 


“Anita skillfully communicates via telephone, email, and via Zoom with committee members,
various staff, and faculty as well as a host of others in a preceptive, insightful, and gentle way.
All her communication is fundamental in all the outcomes of our work.” 


“Anita is essential in running the program efficiently. Our students are clinical residents or
fellow or clinical faculty. She has established many protocols to facilitate completion of these
milestones including completing forms and circulating for signatures, sending email reminders,
and weekly meetings with me.”


“Anita is well respected and has collegial relationships with many people across campus,
spanning colleges, institutional offices, and ranks. “


“Anita is very deserving of the employee of the month honor and the type of employee
that every office would be lucky to have several employees like her.”


Congratulations Anita!
Reception: TBD